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Upgrading to 0.11.0

Upgrade Guides Are Moving

The location of the dbt Core upgrade guides has changed, and they will soon be removed from Guides. The new location is in the Docs tab under Available dbt versions. You have been redirected to the new URL, so please update any saved links and bookmarks.

Schema.yml v2 syntax

dbt v0.11.0 adds an auto-generated docs site to your dbt project. To make effective use of the documentation site, you'll need to use the new "version 2" schema.yml syntax. For a full explanation of the version 2 syntax, check out the schema.yml Files section of the documentation.

Translating schema.yml files to the v2 syntax

  1. You can find a script that will translate a v1 schema.yml file to the v2 syntax here.
  2. You can upgrade v1 schema.yml files to the v2 syntax manually.

If you're upgrading to the v2 syntax manually, there are some caveats to be aware of:

1. Some v1 schema tests do not have immediately obvious representations in the v2 spec


- id
- "concat(first_name, last_name)"

The v2 representation for this schema.yml is:

- name: events
- unique: "concat(first_name, last_name)"

- name: id
- unique

Note that the expression provided as a uniqueness test does not pertain to a single column, so it should be created as a model-level test.

2. Argument inference for custom schema tests

If you're using a custom schema test in a v1 schema.yml file, it might not be obvious how to translate the test to the v2 syntax. In general, you can always make the test into a model-level test as shown below.


- {field: created_at, datepart: day, interval: 1}

The v2 representation for this schema.yml could be:

- name: events
- dbt_utils.recency:
field: created_at
datepart: day
interval: 1

Default Snowflake Quoting

The default quoting config on Snowflake has changed from being on to being off by default. If you haven't already, you should add a quoting config to your dbt_project.yml file. To use the exact same quoting behavior present in 0.10.2, add this config to your dbt_project.yml file:

schema: true
identifier: true